Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Labour Management Meeting April 9th/09

Cupe 256 Labour Management Meeting Minutes April 9th/09

Meeting called for 1:00pm

Cupe 256 Labour Management Committee Members Present:

Dave Kerr, Bill Moran, Rick Brown, Deb Kelly Absent: Susan Jones

Also Present for the Union: Bill Foster President, Andy Hann Vicepresident Zone A.

UGDSB Management Present: Jennifer Rose, Jim Alder, Mary Mackenzie-Mason, Bruce Clayton, Peter Haayen, Lorraine Millar

Start Time 1:15pm

Dave distributed the Union Agenda and asked if the Board had an Agenda of Management Concerns. Jim Alder replied not that this time. Dave stated two items had been added to the Unions agenda, Item #16, Update on Grounds Positions within Maintenance and Item # 17, three hour Posting withdrawn from Westside SS.

Union Agenda Item Number:

1. First Class for Caretakers.

Union asked when this was going to be implemented. Jim Alder replied this has been put temporarily on hold. Facility services are in the process of acquiring computers for the Head Caretakers and assessing network drops in designated areas for custodial use. Jim stated these computers should be in place and operational by September of this year.

2. Square Footage.

With much discussion on how to openly discuss this issue, it was decided that another meeting date be arranged as soon as possible in which both Management and Union concerns be addressed.

3. Community Service and Head Caretakers List.

Union asked that these lists be distributed and openly available to our members. Jim Alder asked Bruce Clayton how it was being handled now. Bruce stated that forms where sent out every September for Cupe Members to make known their intentions and then he fills the vacancies from this list on a rotational basis according to Board Policy. The Union asked if these Lists be distributed and Posted at all Schools. Jim Alder asked Bruce if that could be possible, Bruce suggested that would be a problem because of the frequency he uses the list. Bruce said it would be a problem keeping an up to date list posted in the schools. Jim stated Facility Services would look into how to get up to date information out to the schools and our membership. Jim Alder stated that a Community Service list would be done by June, than a Head Caretakers List to follow. It was agreed this matter would be further discussed at the next Labour Management meeting after management had further discussions.

4. Benefits

The Union asked what the time frame was to reexamine our Benefit Package. Jennifer Rose explained Provincial Moneys are distributed in January and Benefit Enhancements will be done in 2010. A Letter of Understanding, RE: Enhancements Under Other PDT Agreements Respecting Support Workers, was discussed as it effects and our Membership Benefit Entitlements. Ms. Rose stated she wasn’t aware of this Letter of Understanding and asked a copy be forwarded to her. The Union agreed and one will be forwarded as soon as possible. This matter would be further discussed at the next Labour Management meeting.

5. Apprenticeship Program

The Union asked what the Boards intensions are concerning an Apprenticeship Program being re implemented. Jim Alder stated he is in favour of this but had concerns about employment after the apprenticeship had been completed and also concerns about that trades person seeking other employment after trade licenses have been attained. Jim Alder asked Peter Haayen for any input. Mr. Haayen agreed with reinstating the program but had some concerns that needed to be discussed. Mr. Alder asked that this be brought up at the next labour management meeting after management had a chance to further discuss this matter.

6. Language for Health and Safety, Return to Work Rep’s

The Union enquired about the Boards intensions concerning temporary Head Caretaking positions for Westside SS and Erin PS. Jennifer Rose explained the Board will renew those Temporary Postings yearly and will be filled according to Board Policy. It was discussed that these two Heath and Safety positions were subject on being elected by both Cupe Local 256 Health and Safety Committee and the Joint UGDSB Health and Safety Committee every two years. It was discussed that clarity may be needed to better define these positions and the effect on temporary postings that may arise. There was no discussion relating to Cupe’s Return to Work Rep’s other than recognition language being added to the new contract, agreed upon by the Board and Cupe at contract ratification.

7. Discrepancy in Assigning Duties – North and South

The Union enquired about consistency and expeditions between Zone A and Zone B. Jim Alder explained the need for standardized training. It was agreed that this issue would be better dealt with under item # 13.

8. Graduated Gas Licenses

Peter Haayen agreed with the concerns raised by the Union and stated it was a matter that needed to be discussed and he asked this matter to be revisited at the next labour management meeting.

9. Letter of Understanding RE: Snow Removal – Coming in Early

Union had concerns of confusion arising from expeditions of Day Caretakers responsibility with relation to Board snow removal contracts and allotted time for performing that task. Jim Alder replied he will issue a Policy Letter outlining responsibilities and expeditions.

10. Hiring of Floaters

Union questioned to reaffirm that hours accumulated by a temporary cupe employees working less than twenty hours a week, are prorated into their seniority date. Mary Mackenzie-Mason stated that is correct and can be referred to under section 14 of our collective agreement.

11. Cost of L.T.D.

The Union enquired about LTD benefits. Jennifer Rose explained the Board wanted Cupe members to have LTD benefits. Ms. Rose explained the need for LTD benefits and suggested Susan Heanly, a LTD benefit specialist, attend one of our General Meetings to explain and answer any questions or concerns to the membership. This offer will be taken back and discussed at our next General Meeting.

12. Access to Staff Development Money

The Union enquired about having our union training courses subsidized by Board development monies. Jennifer Rose stated there is money available, the courses would have to be authorized but there could be open discussion between the Board and Cupe on mutually beneficial training courses.

13. Training of Caretakers/Floaters/Part-time People RE: Fire Alarms and Sprinkler systems.

The Union asked if better training could be made available concerning school operating systems to Cupe Members. Jim Alder explained he was already looking into this matter. He had made enquiries about three tier training for future head caretakers, head caretaker supply lists and persons left responsible for Board buildings. The Union asked if this was a onetime training course or an ongoing process to keep Cupe Custodial Staff trained and updated on procedures or changes in the system. Peter Haayen added once ongoing training was completed sign off sheets could be implemented. Jim Alder stated there would be discussion on this matter.

14. Monthly Report on Overtime

The Union enquired on posting overtime reports on a monthly basis. The Board will discuss this matter and then speak on this matter at the next labour management meeting.

15. Flushing Potable Water

The Union stated time was not being factored in on day caretaker’s duties for flushing potable water. With the added responsibilities of snow in the winter months, cleaning tasks are being neglected or passed unto the afternoon shift. Jim Alder stated under Provincial legislation all sinks must be flushed and he stated he sympathized for the schools with science labs. Mr. Alder stated to date four provincial inspectors has audited several schools showing satisfactory results in each of those schools. Mr. Alder stated this matter must be further discussed and asked if it would be better handled under square footage discussions. The Union agreed and this would be discussed at our next general meeting.

16. Grounds Keepers

The Union asked about the status of Grounds Keepers. Jim Alder replied that matter has to be assessed yet.

17. Westside SS

The Union asked why a three hour existing position was pulled after no one applied for it and then removed from the afternoon schedule. Jim Alder stated that school square footage was re evaluated and the Board determined that this school was over staffed.

Meeting End 2:25pm